According to statistics, in the last decade of the twentieth century, the cause of death of about half of men aged 15 to 54 was alcohol abuse. That is, vodka, beer and other alcoholic beverages destroyed thousands of people in their prime, who were unable to say, "I want to stop drinking. "
This article is for those looking for tips on how to stop drinking, deciding to radically change your life.
Symptoms of alcoholism
Alcoholic beverages are the traditional companions of every meal. Often young people start drinking alcohol on holidays, mirroring the behavior of their parents, then get used to drinking on weekends, and after a few years they can no longer stop drinking every day. But even then, not everyone is in a hurry to admit that they are addicted to the green snake. They say everyone drinks, and I - like everyone else. Narcologists help to look at your addiction in a different light, identifying the main signs of alcohol addiction.
- Craving for alcohol. Some people seem to drink intoxicants only if there is a good reason. But over time, the list of events to celebrate with beer is supplemented by Zimbabwe’s Independence Day, World Cat Day, at the end of the workday.
- Increasing the dose of alcohol consumed. At the beginning of an alcoholic’s career, a person stops when he feels drunk. The development of addiction is evidenced by bringing oneself into a state of severe intoxication.
- Disappearance of the body's defense reaction. The body, which wants to get rid of the toxin as soon as possible, reacts to alcohol intoxication by vomiting. If that doesn’t happen, even if you drink a large dose of alcohol, it’s a bad sign.
- Immunity. More and more drinks and stronger alcohol are needed for drinking.
- Aggression. An alarm bell, when a drunkard, instead of being cheerful, becomes aggressive and constantly creates conflict situations.
If you drink alcohol often and have seen yourself in the above, it’s time to find out what to do to stop drinking.

The beginning of the fight against alcohol addiction
People with the first stage of alcoholism, when the body does not yet need ethanol, could completely stop drinking without help. For this, of course, you will need willpower, a lot of patience and a focus on results. For those who have acquired not only mental but also physical addiction, it is almost impossible to deal with the problem on their own. In such a situation, the alcoholic should not neglect the help of loved ones, it is worth making a direct request: "Help me stop drinking. " Experts recommend starting the journey to a sober lifestyle by changing the circle of friends. The best friends and helpers of people who stop drinking are:
- family members and friends who do not drink;
- people who drank but managed to quit;
- experts in the field of psychology.
The decision "I want to stop drinking" will not be crowned with success if you do not exclude your former companions from a close circle of friends. To do this, you should even take radical steps: change your place of work / study, move to another city, break up with your drinking partner.
The right way out of drunkenness
Drunkenness is considered a serious manifestation of alcoholism. A large number of addicts go into intoxication for days, weeks or even months. It is important to understand that the body weakens under the influence of alcohol toxins, and alcohol becomes a substitute for happiness, food and other important things. You need to know how to stop drinking properly, especially after prolonged drinking. If you abruptly refuse a drink that contains ethanol, it is filled with physiological and mental disorders. After the abolition of alcoholics, a drunk alcoholic is expected to:
- attacks of fear and anxiety;
- depression;
- insomnia;
- high blood pressure;
- nausea and vomiting;
- trembling limbs.
It also increases the risk of internal bleeding, heart attack, stroke and delirium tremens. If you have health problems, before you stop drinking, it is better to consult a doctor and stock up on the necessary means to get out of intoxication. Before the scheduled day, it is recommended to go to bed earlier, before going to bed you did not drink vodka, but tea with mint or lemon balm.
How to stop drinking at home? Here are the doctor's recommendations on this issue.
- After waking up, you need to drink plenty of fluids during the day: non-carbonated mineral water, brine, compote, fruit drinks, herbal teas and decoctions, plain tea with honey and lemon.
- For the fastest removal of toxins, it is necessary to take sorbents or ordinary activated carbon.
- To support your liver, you must take the medication recommended by your doctor or pharmacist.
- With a sudden deterioration in health, it is allowed to use 50 g of vodka, but diluted in a glass of plain water.
The answer to the question of drunk alcoholics "how to stop drinking quickly" is only one - no way. Getting out of a drunken state can take about a week. After that, you need to continue cleansing the body, start a course of treatment to reduce the desire to drink, work on changing life priorities.
Those who have the strength of will and special preparations for complex action are easier to deal with addiction. Now such funds can be purchased online, and their reception is done without a doctor's prescription according to the instructions.
Answers to popular questions
1. How to stop taking folk remedies?
The most common folk remedies for stopping drinking: decoction of violet roots and bay leaves, infusion of thyme, decoction of European cleft, decoction of puppet herbs.
Bitan! Herbal remedies also have contraindications, before starting herbal treatment consult a specialist.
2. How to stop drinking vodka?
It is important to understand the reason why you drink. It often does not pay to destroy health and life. Then you can choose any way to treat the disease: coding, traditional medicine, classes based on psychotherapist's books. The main thing is that you sincerely want to deal with the disease and you will make every effort.
3. Is it possible to stop drinking in the third stage of alcoholism?
While novice alcoholics can recover at home, experienced drunks will not. What to do in this case? To seek the help of qualified narcologists and psychotherapists.

4. How do you get yourself to stop drinking?
It is necessary to understand that the euphoria felt by a person who drinks alcohol is a false feeling. After a short time of happiness, a hangover occurs and the day passes in search of a cure for the disease. As you enjoy an intoxicated drink, the cells of the liver, brain and other important organs die in you. Think about how much you could do instead of hugging the glass.
5. Is it possible to stop drinking without much desire?
A person's focus on sobriety is the most important component of the fight against alcoholism. Until the patient himself begins to act, seek treatment methods, follow the rules of sober living through "I can’t, " he won’t be able to encrypt him for long, even if relatives bring him to the clinic. If an alcoholic says, "Help me stop drinking, " but does nothing about it, he can’t waste time and energy.
6. How can you stop drinking alcohol if you have not yet become an alcoholic?
It is much easier for people who do not drink too often, but who want to give up alcohol completely, than for alcohol addicts. We often drink when meeting with friends, on holidays and parties paying homage to an established tradition. Where to start refusing intoxicants? Just don’t drink, without fear of offending someone, this is your decision and your health. If a person who has stopped drinking is called offensive words, do not go into such societies.